Mr.Karma J. Temphel
Participatory Forest Management Specialist
Date of Joining: 01 September 2012.
Mr. Karma Jigme Temphel Has been working as Senior Forest Officer and Head of Social Forestry Section with Department of Forest & Park Services (DoFPS), Royal Government of Bhutan prior to joining the SAARC Forestry Centre (SFC). He served there for a period of eight(08) years. He started his career in 1995. During 2002-04, he worked as a Head of Watershed Management section of DoFPS. From the begining of his career until 2002 he worked as a Head of the Social Forestry Program in the Third Forestry Development Project (TFDP) funded by World Bank and SDC. He has got expertise on Formulation of concept and Project proposal development, Community Forestry and Participatory Forest Management planning, resource assessment design, Programme management and facilitation, Soil and water conservation etc.
Mr. Temphel has completed his Master of Science in Forestry: People and Participation, University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom in 2006. Dissertation was on People’s Participation in Forest Management Planning; an improved Stakeholder Methods for Stakeholder Analysis in Bhutan.
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